Everything you need to know before hiring a sex crime lawyer

Being convicted of sex crime charges can destroy your reputation, damage your relationship, and lead to significant criminal penalties.

Your lawyer will examine all the evidence surrounding your case and construct a specialist team to help prepare the most effective defence.

Hiring the right sex crime lawyer is vital to giving you the best chance of success in court and this article will tell you everything you need to know when looking for the perfect lawyer.

Gathering Evidence

In order to build as strong a case as possible, your lawyer will need to go through all the evidence connected to the allegations against you and decide what is most valid and relevant.

You should, therefore, be careful to preserve any records that may be relevant, including video, written or online communications, diaries/calendars, and social media posts.

Deleting or failing to provide such information will only make it more difficult for your lawyer to build a defence and may make you look guilty.

 If you are found to have tampered with evidence, you may also face further charges.

You should consult an expert rape defence lawyer if you are unsure what paperwork is valid evidence and how to file it.

Meeting your Lawyer

It is essential that you have a detailed account of your situation prepared for your consultation meeting with your lawyer.

It may be worth noting down certain dates, times, locations, and any other important information concerning the alleged incident.

If you give your attorney false information that is later proven in court to be untrue you will blindside your lawyer and possibly undermine the foundations of the case, they have carefully built for you.

If anything, your lawyer speaks to you about is unclear make sure to ask for clarification as it is vital that you are on the same page as your legal team in order to present a coherent and watertight defence.

Understanding the Law

Everyone involved in any form of sexual act has the right to consent and many sex crime cases centre on this, whilst sexual acts that turn violent are likely to result in a sexual assault charge.

It is essential that your legal team helps you understand your rights in a sexual offence case in order to best prepare your defence and make you aware of the most likely outcomes.

Clarify your role in the case

The legal team working on your case will do all the legwork, filing paperwork, gathering evidence, and briefing you prior to any court appearance or interviews.

You may be asked to make certain contributions during the process, however, such as providing supporting references or locating potential witnesses.

During your consultations with your Rape defence lawyer, you should discuss what role you should take that would be most advantageous.

Your lawyer should always inform you ahead of time if your input is required and get your approval before your defence is presented in court.

Understand the potential outcomes

Depending on the circumstances of the incident itself, the evidence available, and the defence presented, sex crime cases can have a variety of different outcomes.

In some situations, your case may not go to court at all and your lawyer may agree to a plea bargain on your behalf, or the prosecution may drop the charges completely due to a lack of evidence.

Even the very best sex crime lawyers cannot guarantee anything and will only be able to do everything they can to help get the best possible outcome from your case.

It is important that you discuss with your lawyer exactly what the most likely outcomes are from the case at an early stage, so you are not unduly disappointed after hoping for unrealistic results.

Trying to navigate your case without the assistance of a qualified expert sex crime lawyer at all can be extremely challenging and you may find yourself facing a more severe sentence.

Contact Aamer Anwar & Co

At Aamer Anwar & Co, our multi-award winning Scottish lawyers are experts in defending those accused of all forms of sex crime including prostitution, gross indecency, pornography, indecent assault, and rape.

We understand that being accused of a sex crime is a traumatising experience that can have a major impact on our client’s lives and we will work alongside you to form the best defence case possible.

We will put together a specialist team with a proven track record of success in the High Court and if you have been accused of such a crime it is essential you contact us immediately to allow us to build the best possible case for your defence.

We are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year so whenever you need help the most we will be there to help.

To get in touch contact us by phone on 0141 429 7090, email : office@aameranwar.comor fill out our contact form to arrange a legal consultation.